
Category: Laravel

4 minutes

The benefits of Laravel for CRM Development

From scalability and security to performance and developer productivity, discover the unparalleled benefits of using Laravel for CRM development.
Customer Success
5 minutes

Laravel for SaaS: Building your next big idea

With robust architecture, rapid development capabilities, and enhanced security features, explore why Laravel is the top choice for building Software as a Service (SaaS) applications.
Customer Success
5 minutes

Proshore as a Laravel mobile app development company

Explore the power of Laravel for building robust and scalable mobile applications. Discover how to turn your app ideas into reality.
Customer Success
4 minutes

The cost of hiring dedicated Laravel developers

A popular PHP framework behind many web apps we see and use today – but what is the cost of development for projects built using Laravel?
Customer Success
7 minutes

11 benefits of Laravel and multi-tenant architecture for SaaS

Laravel gives both developers and the software companies they serve many strategic advantages. Here’s how it can benefit multi-tenant SaaS.
Ashish Shakya
Senior PHP Developer

How Proshore is improving Shopify app performance using Laravel microservices

Our developers integrated legacy CMS with the power of Laravel microservices to improve Shopify app performance. Here’s how and why.
Subash Ghimire
Technical Lead
Jeroen Haico
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